Temovi Real Time Communications enhances experiences for both workers and citizens. Government agencies and organizations can securely share more information with each other, and enhance understanding and collaboration with voice, text, and video services.
With offices often spread across many geographical locations, Temovi reduces the need to travel, and the related costs associated with that travel. Government workers who do need to travel can experience the same directories, features and applications from their mobile devices as they can from their desktops, dramatically improving their productivity and the quality of their work.
Contact centers can be made exponentially more friendly and efficient, and security is easier to implement along with other “web” security policies including innovations including voice encryption, firewalls, and anti-virus.
Temovi provides government employees a better access to communications being more effective and responsive.
Avoid paying for more than solution. Temovi enables you to reach the right department and the right person, whether it’s instant messaging, voice or video, using a single communication solution.
The cloud service can rapidly be expanded, and you can add users on-the-go. Modifying features and services can also be easily perfoemced from a web based interface.
Generate cost savings by combining multiple old fashioned lines and telephone systems into a single, unifed communcations system.
An account manager will contact you for a personalised informative session on the key features and benefits of a Temovi cloud phone system.